Thursday 4 December 2008

Messy Lisbon. Naughty people.

It looks very much like the very same Irish politicians who were defeated in their quest for a "yes" vote on the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland, are going to have another go.

This is an interesting one. It is clear that the political class in Ireland very much want Lisbon yet frequent opinion polls have shown that when asked about a second referendum, an increasing percentage of Irish voters oppose the Consitutional Treaty. There are a couple of ticking time bombs to go along with this story though.

Firstly, the European Elections take place next year. With a second referendum, we could see an even bigger tide of euroscepticism sweep over the UK as we watch the eurocrats influence over Ireland's political class unfold in all of its profanity. And by that, I mean genuine anti-EU votes going to UKIP.

Secondly, Brussels' favourite nemesis at the moment Declan Ganley is still very much in play. In fact, he is expected to launch his pressure group Libertas as a pan-European party which will contest the Euro Elections next year on an anti-Lisbon platform and will have around 75 million euros to spend estabablishing itself. Ganley is expected to launch the party during Irish Prime Minister Brian Cowen's next visit to the European Parliament. All good stuff. Unless Ganley and Libertas decide to run in the UK...

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